5. The communication of the Committee with the Certified Auditor Accountant in view of the preparation
of the audit report and the supplementary report of the latter to the Committee must be essential or
6. In addition, the Committee reviews the financial reports (Annual and Semi-Annual) before their approval
by the Board of Directors, in order to assess their completeness and consistency in relation to the
information required by its own knowledge, as well as the accounting principles implemented by the
Company and informs the Board of Directors accordingly.
Procedures of Internal Control Systems, Risk Management and Internal Control Unit Regarding
the operation of the Internal Control System, the Committee:
a. Examines and notifies to the Board of Directors cases of conflicts of interest.
b. Monitors, examines and evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of all policies, procedures and
internal controls of the Company regarding on the one hand the internal control system and on the other
hand the quality assurance and risk assessment and management, in relation to financial information.
c. Monitors the effectiveness of internal control systems mainly through the work of the internal control
unit and the work of the Certified Auditor Accountant.
d. Submits to the Board of Directors proposals regarding the appointment as well as the remuneration, in
accordance with the current legal and regulatory framework, on a three-year basis, of the evaluator
selected for the assessment of the Company's Internal Control System.
e. Examines the policy and procedure for conducting periodic evaluation of the internal control system, in
particular as to the adequacy and effectiveness of financial information by persons who have proven
relevant professional experience and do not have dependent relationships according to the article 9, par.
1 of Law 4706/2020.
f. Acquires knowledge of the evaluation report of the internal control system, which is prepared in
accordance with the article 14, par. 3, section (J), and par. 4 of Law 4706/2020 and the decision number
1/891/30.9.2020 of the BoD decision of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission and suggests to the
Board of Directors to take measures to deal with any findings.
g. The Committee reviews the management of the main risks and uncertainties of the Company and their
periodic revision. In this context, it evaluates the methods applied by the Company for the identification
and monitoring of risks, the treatment of the main risks through the internal control system and the internal
control unit as well as their proper disclosure in the published financial information. Finally, it informs the
Board of Directors with its findings and submits proposals for improvement.
h. Monitors the effectiveness of the regulatory compliance system that includes the establishment and
implementation of appropriate procedures, in order to achieve in a timely manner the full and continuous
compliance of the Company with the applicable legal and regulatory framework.
i. Monitors cases of non-compliance by examining the corrective actions required to be taken by the
Management. It also reviews any audit findings of the Supervisory Authorities by examining the degree
of compliance of the Company.
j. Examines the existence and content of those procedures, according to which the Company's personnel
will be able, on the basis of confidence, to express their concerns about possible illegalities and
irregularities in matters of financial information or other issues related to the operation of the company.
The Committee must ensure that procedures are in place to effectively and independently investigate
such issues and to address them appropriately.
Regarding the operation of the Internal Control Unit, the Committee:
a. Evaluates the staffing and organizational structure of the Internal Control Unit and identifies any
weaknesses. It also monitors and inspects the proper functioning of the Internal Control Unit in
accordance with professional standards as well as the current legal and regulatory framework and
evaluates the delivered outcome, its adequacy and effectiveness, without however affecting its
independence. If appropriate, the Committee shall submit proposals to the Board of Directors, so that the
Internal Control Unit has the necessary means, is adequately staffed with sufficient knowledge,
experience and training, has no restrictions on its work and has the required independence. Therefore,
the appointment and dismissal of the head of the internal control unit is proposed by the Audit Committee
to the Board of Directors. In the same context, the Committee determines and examines the operating
regulations of the Company's internal control unit.
b. Approves the annual audit plan that is submitted by the Internal Control Unit and is prepared based on
the risk assessment and the results of the previous audits. Renders an opinion on the preparation of the
annual audit plan and suggests the conduct of extraordinary audits. Guides the Internal Control Unit so
that it operates in accordance with current legislation and relevant circulars as well as in accordance with